Monday, November 3, 2008

Note To Self---It's Monday: Time To Dance!

Well, it's Monday. You knew it had to come around again, didn't you? It always does. Remember, though, just because it is Monday, doesn't mean you can't dance! Here's a little "note"---actually several notes--- to help you remember to dance today.

If you liked this video, you might also enjoy another post I did about Post-It Notes on my other blog. Every day for about a month or so now (according to the statistics I get from Sitemeter), someone in Finland has been coming to visit that particular post on my Smiling With Daisy blog. Whoever he or she is, they visit just that page of my blog and no others. I don't know or understand why this person or persons does this, but it amuses me.

Happy Monday to you all! Don't forget to dance today.