My New Years resolutions have totally fallen by the wayside. I guess that's how it usually goes.
I didn't realize it had been almost 4 months since my last post! I even have a lot more apes/monkeys to write about!
Anyway, thought I would at least attempt to start this back up (yet again) with a little update on my latest stuff.
I've been really into these Marusan original sculpts lately. Crude, relatively inexpensive patchi kaiju that are just fun. They remind me the most of those random drug store toys you'd get as a kid and make up the story for. Marusan made many of these in the late 90s, I guess before the "boom" that kaiju/Japanese vinyl toys re-experienced a few years later.
I won a great lot for cheap on Yahoo Japan recently, so eventually I'll be writing about them I'm sure. I haven't bought much at all lately, and these could probably be the last again for awhile. (Don't worry... I still have a lot to write about... and PAINT!!! ugh... that's another story completely)