Thursday, October 23, 2008

Seven Random Things I Love

Dorothy at Counting My Blessings has tagged me to post seven random things that I love, so here goes.

Seven Random Things I Love

1. cashews--crunchy, lightly salted nuts that go great with a tall glass of diet A&W root beer

2. this statue, a gift from a friend who said it looked like me with one of my sons

3. always having good books available to me to read

4. my Creative Zen Mp3 player so I can take the music with me that I want to hear

5. front porch swings--a memory from childhood, as I don't have one now but wish that I did

6. listening to my son play the upright bass

7. St. Ives vanilla body wash and Bath and Body Works Sparkling Peach shower gel--both smell wonderful

Now is the part where I am supposed to tag seven people to play along so that they can post seven random things that they love.
I prefer not to choose names but merely to suggest to anyone who reads this, that if this looks like the kind of post you'd like to do on your blog, then consider yourself tagged. If you do so, let me know in the comments below, and I will put a link to your site here. And, if you wish to further tag others, be my guest to do that, too.

Michelle from Crow's Feet has decided to play along. Go visit her blog to see seven things that she loves.

Eric from Speedcat Hollydale Page has listed seven random facts about himself too. Go visit him and tell him Daisy sent you.

Reenie has posted seven random things that she loves at her site, Reenie's Reach. Please drop by her site to see some of the things important to her.