Friday, October 17, 2008

Autumn Walk (Truly Grateful Series)

It was a beautiful day yesterday. I decided to take advantage of the weather. I went for a drive. The leaves on two of the maple trees in my yard are still very green. The leaves on the tree in the back have gone straight from green to brown. I think this was caused by the dry weather we had this past summer. I thought that maybe if I drove out in the country a bit that I might find some leaves changing colors for fall. I was richly rewarded with what I found.

I decided to drive up to George Bible Park which is about a ten minute trip north of where I live. George Bible Park is named after a man named George Bible (of course!). It is a quiet park with a pond that I like to visit occasionally. In the spring and summer, fishing tournaments for kids aged twelve and under are held around the pond. Various prizes are awarded to the kids for first fish caught, biggest fish caught, smallest fish caught, and so on. Even those who don't win one of the prizes are given a bag full of goodies which usually includes a fishing hat, some bobbers, hooks, lures, or sinkers. Both of my sons when they were younger enjoyed these catch and release fishing tournaments which are designed to teach kids about fishing.

When I arrived at the park, there was one lady walking her dog at the park who was just leaving as I got there. After that, other than a few birds that I saw, I was the only one there. I had the whole park to myself. It was a perfectly gorgeous day, and I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet as I walked around the pond. Although I walked alone, I had my camera with me and took pictures so that I could share what I saw there with you.

You may notice a little red Geo Metro in the background of some of these shots. That is my car. Although it is fourteen years old, it is still getting me where I want to be. I'm glad that it was available to me to take the drive up to George Bible Park. It was time well spent.

Lord, for the boundless beauty in this world that you provide for us to enjoy, let me be truly grateful.