Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Great Giveaway for Book Clubs!

I'm not currently a member of a reading group, so this one doesn't fit me. But I wanted to alert those of you who are involved in book groups that ReadingGroupGuides.com is having a big giveaway.

ReadingGroupGuides.com was begun 10 years ago in hopes of connecting book groups with books and authors. Presently with more than 11,000 newsletter subscribers, 10,000 registered book groups and 3,000 discussion guides listed, it has become an online community for more than 185,000 unique visitors each month.

This month ReadingGroupGuides.com will be giving away $10,000 in prizes in the ReadingGroupGuides.com 10th Anniversary Contest. To enter to win, just have your reading group share your "Top 10 Favorite Discussion Books." The prizes are 50 $200 gift certificates to treat book clubs to a month’s worth of discussion books. The contest is open through August 31st . You can find more at: http://readinggroupguides.com/contests/1005-10th-anniversary-contest.asp.