Title of book(s) read since last update:The Hunger Games and The Postmistress, but neither has been completed.
Number of books read since started: Reading the two above, and completed The Heretic Queen. So 3 have been read, but not completed.
Pages read since last update: 160
Running total of pages read since started: 254
Amount of time spent reading since last update:5 hours and 29 mins
Running total of time spent reading since started:(keep track of this one to be eligible for a prize!) 7 hours and 45 mins
Mini-challenges completed:I don't know. Maybe 6 or 8?
Prizes won:0
Junk fuel ingested:Sour cream and onion chips and coke, half a root beer, various candies, Garlic Chicken pizza, apple crisp with a scoop of ice cream. Ugh. No wonder I feel terrible!
As usual, I am amazed at how little I really read. 8 hours of reading in 24 hours? Not even 300 pages read? What's up with that? Next Read-a-Thon, maybe I should concentrate on quality rather than quantity-- really read, but don't push to try to stay awake all night to do it. The more tired I get, the slower that I read and the more I have to go back and re-read things to try to comprehend what I'm reading.
Still I enjoyed it, and I am really enjoying The Hunger Games. I hope everyone else enjoyed their time. See you again next time!